Things To Do In London For The Queen's Platinum Jubilee

Published by Maisie Walker 1044 days ago

It’s about time we had a right royal celebration - and it just so happens the biggest one in history is about to begin!

On Thursday 2nd June Her Majesty The Queen will become the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee after 70 years of service - this is a truly impressive achievement, and Thames Rockets are ready to celebrate in style! 

Fancy a unique and unforgettable bank holiday weekend? Find out how below:

Gather your friends, family and loved ones because this June Thames Rockets will be having a right royal rocket rush to commemorate such an important moment. 

Head down to the world famous London Eye and enjoy the street party vibes on the pier as you get ready to hop aboard our ‘royal’ red rockets! With bunting aplenty and flags flying high, you’ll be revved up and ready for a beautifully British London celebration - fit for Queen Elizabeth II herself!

Our award-winning guides (as always) will be on hand to offer the juiciest tales and stories throughout British history while you marvel at the most iconic sights that London has to offer. 

Get ready to be amazed as you cruise past TWO official royal palaces along the way - the palace of Westminster and the truly historic Tower of London, along with landmarks that have shaped generations of royals from William the Conqueror to Elizabeth II herself. 

Once past Tower Bridge, the real fun begins! Find out why Thames Rockets have been voted the #1 speedboat operator in the UK with our famous blast around Canary Wharf. Get grooving in your seats with our trademark Thames Rockets medley (with a few royal surprises thrown in!) Playing through the speakers - this royal celebration is well and truly ON! 

Not only will you make incredible memories, you will walk away with a commemorative and unique Platinum Jubilee Thames Rockets badge to keep as a momento of this truly historic weekend. 

It’s time for a right royal rave - with Whizzy Lizzie’s Royal Rush!

Sailing from Thursday 2nd June until Sunday 5th June 2022. 


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