Life on the River Thames

Published by Thames Rockets 3177 days ago

We love our life on the River Thames. And apparently the great British summer is here, in-between the tropical storms, and we've been having a blast messing around in boats, whizzing you all up and down the Thames while our guides have keep you entertained and informed. But, and say this quietly, there's a bit more to life on the river than super-speed 640bhp Red Rockets! For example on the North bank, just next to Tower Bridge (for our American friends that's the one that opens) is the beautiful, and historic, St. Katharine Docks. Now not only is it just a pebble skim from our birth at St. Katharine Pier it's also home to a fantastic array of bars, cafes, restaurants and shops. We quiet like to stop by the Dickens for a cold one after a busy day rocketeering along the River Thames. Because of their very restricted capacity and inability to cope with large modern ships, the St Katharine Docks were among the first to be closed in 1968 and went from commercial docks and warehouses to public moorings, apartments and retail space. The Docks also play host to a fantastic range of events all year round. For example every Friday and Saturday there are markets held on the river side from 11am, looks great doesn't it, we'd suggest stopping for a snack after you've been on our 'Break the Barrier' experience. River Thames During July there will also be Al Fresco Pilates, a big screen by the West Dock showing The Open Championship and the England v. Pakistan tests, live Jazz nights at Tom's Kitchen and at the end of the month the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race returns to the River Thames on Saturday 30th. Pilates at St Kats And for the film fans amongst you St Kat's are hold an amazing float cinema festival in August, for more information on current and future events click here 13510929_976422635740645_2927863690628422644_n  

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