10 Years of Speeding Around the Thames

Published by Thames Rockets 3205 days ago

This Friday, April 29th 2016 marks the 10th Anniversary of our first ever public sailing on the Thames. On this day at midday in 2006 our founder, (and creator of the Thames RIB tour industry!) Charlie Matheson kick-started the next generation of river experiences, greeting our first paying passengers with bum-bag at the ready, and helping each of them on board. [caption id="attachment_1586" align="aligncenter" width="199"]HR LRV 6 Our past...[/caption] Off they sped, those lucky 12 passengers being the pioneers to experience what has become the most unique and exciting way to see London from the Thames. [caption id="attachment_1585" align="aligncenter" width="208"]HR LondonRib018 Throwback Thursday![/caption] As a London Attraction we've always pushed the boundaries (without making too many waves) to offer both our loyal guests and newcomers something different, year on year. Whether it's new tours, cutting edge speedboats, unique soundtracks or keeping our award winning guides up to date with all the changes that happen in London (and there have been quite a few of late!), we thrive on being the most exciting and current speedboat operator in the UK. [caption id="attachment_1588" align="aligncenter" width="300"]The future! The future![/caption] We've taken a big step in 2016 and linked up with one of the UK's most popular (and well built!) attractions - Legoland Windsor. We're the very proud sponsor of...'Pirate Falls: Treasure Quest'! [caption id="attachment_1587" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Prepare to get soaked! Prepare to get soaked![/caption] €˜Guests may be deceived into thinking this is another leisurely boat ride, but the animated pirates and creatures warn of impending danger. Passing through the graveyard, the boats start a steep ascent. There's only one way down - with a big bang and an even bigger splash! And with interactive water elements, it'll be hard to avoid a soaking!' TR_10_58What other ride could we be involved with at Legoland other than one where you don a waterproof, gently motor along the river and then are rapidly rocketed up to high speed and left slightly damper than when you arrived (but are left wanting to go again and again)? TR_10_30 To celebrate our 10th birthday we took the whole Thames Rockets family and friends to Legoland for the day, to thoroughly test our ride (and one or six others). Of course a 10th birthday wouldn't be complete with balloons, music, dancing, costumed entertainers and a fantastic cake. UL_5 As we jet into 2016 and beyond we are ready to offer new and exciting ways for you and the family to experience the Thames - Rocket style!

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